Konclude via Docker
Konclude is available on DockerHub and can directly be used on all platforms that support Docker. The Docker image contains a Konclude binary and you can simply pass through the arguments for running Konclude as intended. You can get the latest Konclude Docker image via the following command:
> docker pull konclude/konclude
Konclude Server via Docker
To run Konclude as OWLlink or SPARQL server in the Docker container, you can simply pass through the command 'owllinkserver' or 'sparqlserver', e.g.
> docker run -p 8888:8080 --rm konclude/konclude sparqlserver
> docker run -p 8888:8080 --rm konclude/konclude owllinkserver
Note that '-p 8888:8080' specifies that the default server port 8080 of Konclude will be available at port 8888 outside of the container.
Konclude Command Line Operations via Docker
By mounting a local directory into the Docker container, you can also use the usual command line commands of Konclude. For this, you can use the parameter '-v LOCAL_DIRECTORY_TO_MOUNT:/data', where 'LOCAL_DIRECTORY_TO_MOUNT' is the path to the local folder you want to mount.
> docker run -v /path/to/ontologies:/data --rm konclude/konclude classify \
-i /data/ontology.owl.xml -o /data/classification-result.xml
Note that you can mount the current directory with '$(pwd)' on unix-based systems, '%cd%' on Windows Command Line and '${pwd}' on Windows Power Shell. Therefore, you can classify an ontology named 'ontology.owl.xml' in the current directory as follows (on unix-based systems):
> docker run -v $(pwd):/data --rm konclude/konclude classify \
-i /data/ontology.owl.xml -o /data/classification-result.xml