Konclude via Command Line
Konclude can be used via command line to process OWLlink requests from files (in OWL 2 XML serialisation) and to execute basic reasoning tasks for ontologies (in OWL 2 XML or OWL 2 Functional Style syntax). Optionally, the OWLlink responses and results can be written to a specified output file.
The first parameter for the command line interface specifies the command that has to be executed by the reasoner (e.g., consistency checking, classification). Some commands require additional parameters that configure, for example, the input file. To process an OWLlink request from a file, Konclude has to be started with the command 'owllinkfile' and the parameter '-i' followed by the path to the input file. The output file for the OWLlink response can be set with the parameter '-o'.
> Konclude owllinkfile -i ./Tests/test-request.xml -o ./Tests/test-response.xml
Some basic reasoning tasks can be directly executed with a corresponding command. As always, the input file can be specified with '-i' and the output file with '-o'.
> Konclude classification -i ./Tests/roberts-family-full-D.owl.xml \
-o ./Tests/roberts-family-full-D-class-hierarchy.owl.xml
The following commands are currently supported:
Command | Description |
owllinkserver | Creates a server and processes OWLlink requests sent over HTTP (see Konclude via OWLlink for details). |
owllinkfile | Processes an OWLlink request file and optionally writes the OWLlink response to the specified output file. |
classification | Classifies the specified ontology. If an output file is specified, then Konclude writes the class hierarchy as an OWL 2 ontology (in XML syntax) to the specified file. |
consistency | Checks the consistency of the specified ontology. |
satisfiability | Tests the satisfiability of the specified class for the given ontology. |
realization | Realises the individuals of the specified ontology (if also an IRI is specified, then the individual for this IRI is realised). Konclude writes the types of the requested individuals in form of class assertions into an OWL 2 ontology (in XML syntax) to the specified output file. |
sparqlserver | Creates a server and processes SPARQL requests sent over HTTP POST (see Konclude via SPARQL for details). |
sparqlfile | Processes a SPARQL request (or several that are subsequently listed) in the file that is specified with '-s'. Optionally, you can specify with '-i' an ontology that is loaded as the default graph. With '-o' you can specify the output file, i.e., where the answers are written (in SPARQL XML Result format). |
The execution of the commands can be configured with the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
-p PORT | Specifies PORT as the listening port for the OWLlink server (default is 8080). |
-i FILEPATH | Configures the input file resp. OWLlink request file. |
-o FILEPATH | Configures the output file resp. OWLlink response file. |
-s FILEPATH | Configures the SPARQL file that is to be processed. |
-x IRI | Specifies an IRI (e.g., required for testing satisfiability and optional for realization). |
-w NUMBER | Sets the number of worker threads to NUMBER (default is 1). If NUMBER is 'AUTO', then the number of worker threads is automatically set to the number of computer cores. |
-a | Enables terminal printout of periodical progress statistics |
-v | Provides additional timing data for loading and parsing. |
-h | Prints the command line usage of Konclude to the console. |