SPARQL-DL Examples
This page provides some examples of queries supported by our SPARQL-DL implementation. More examples can be found in the distribution package.
Get all classes:
SELECT ?c WHERE { Class(?c) }
Ask whether class A is a direct subclass of B:
PREFIX ex: <>
ASK { DirectSubClassOf(ex:A, ex:B) }
Get all fillers of transitive properties of a given individual:
WHERE { Transitive(?p),
PropertyValue(<>, ?p, ?x) }
Get the complete class hierarchy by means of direct class/sub-class pairs:
SELECT ?a ?b
WHERE { DirectSubClassOf(?a, ?b) }
Get union of individuals of two separate classes:
PREFIX wine: <>
WHERE { Type(?i, wine:PinotBlanc) }
OR WHERE { Type(?i, wine:DryRedWine) }